1. User Information

1.1 Cricfun may collect certain personal information from users, including but not limited to their name, email address, phone number, and date of birth, during the registration process or at any other time. By using the Platform, you acknowledge and agree that Cricfun may acquire and store this information.

1.2 You warrant that all information provided to Cricfun is accurate, complete, and up to date. You further acknowledge that it is your responsibility to maintain the accuracy of this information and to promptly update any changes.

2. Background

3. Collection of Information

4. Use of Information

We utilise PII and other data we have regarding you for the following reasons:

5. Storage of information

6. Disclosure and sharing of information

7. Account Discontinuation

  • 7.1 Users have the right to discontinue their Cricfun account at any time. To do so, users should reach out to our support team and request the account termination.
  • 7.2 Cricfun reserves the right to terminate or suspend a user's account, at its sole discretion, if it believes the user has violated these Terms or engaged in any fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful activities.
  • 8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

  • Our privacy policy may periodically be updated. You consent to frequently check the Website for updates to the Privacy Policy. When you access the website, you'll find a notice of any significant changes here. Any modifications to this privacy statement take effect when they are published on this page. You are not permitted to use the Website if you disagree with any change.
  • 9. Governing Law

  • Without regard to the principles of conflict of laws, the rules of India shall govern this privacy policy's construction and interpretation. Any issues relating to or emerging under this Privacy Policy shall exclusively be decided by the courts of New Delhi. You accept to renounce any and all objections to the exercise of jurisdiction by such courts and to the venue in such courts.
  • 10. Contact us

  • if you have any complaints or questions regarding our privacy statement.
  • if you have any complaints or questions regarding our privacy statement. Contact us using the contacts below:
    Contact Number: 01207102028